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new runner, running beginner, tips for run

1. Invest in a good pair of shoes. Be comfortable and give you the support you need to avoid fatigue and injuries.
2. Make a running habit. Even if it means running for even 10 minutes a day.
3. Join a team or fins a running buddy. get companions and motivation to keep running.
4. Initially, the training should be aimed at covering the kilometers rather than increasing the intensity. Do slow workouts with patience. When you’re not patient, you risk doing too much too soon and getting injured
5. Increase the mileage in your workout. Run at Slowly and comfortable pace, which can be interrupted with some walk breaks when you feel you need it. 
6. Rest days are also days of your coaching plan. The body actually needs rest days to recover and repair muscles to get stronger.
7. Consistent Exercise and Schedule. Sit down with your calendar and schedule the times and distances you will be running for the week.
8. Strengthen your muscles. Do some simple strength training exercises that will help increase your performance.
9. Set small, achievable goals. Share your goals on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, by achieving motivation to continue your workout.