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treadmill safety, home treadmill, fitness equipment manufacturer

Treadmills tend to be a little bit more dangerous than other kinds of equipment. That’s because a rowing machine or elliptical is propelled by your own motion — so if you suddenly fall off or stop because you are distracted, it stops at the same time, lessening the odds of injury. On the other hand, the speed of the treadmill, and the continuous movement of the treadmill, are sort of on autopilot.

According to numbers provided by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, treadmills cause the most at-home exercise-equipment-related injuries. U.S. emergency departments treated 15,800 treadmill-related injuries in 2020. In 2019, that number was higher: 22,500. So, if you’ve vowed to spend more time on a treadmill in 2022, it’s a good idea to brush up on safety tips first. And if you’re considering buying one, make safety a focus of your purchase.

We recommend studying the online ratings and reviews for all the machines you’re considering and selecting one with an appropriate weight capacity, belt size and cushioning. If you know you want to max out the incline feature, make sure your ceiling is high enough to accommodate it. Then, once you have it set up, read its manual. No one loves reading through the book but it’s good to at least take a look at it and see if there’s something you need to be aware of.

One of the main drivers of treadmill-related injuries is simply not paying enough attention. Set aside your phone while you’re on the treadmill — don’t text or watch TV, for example. If you get distracted and aren’t paying attention and you misstep, that can cause you to lose balance and fall off the treadmill. It’s also important accelerate and decelerate gradually, and hold the handrails while doing so to give yourself extra stability.

It’s crucial to use your treadmill’s safety mechanisms. Most are equipped with an emergency stop system, like a panic button or a tether with a clip. The person using the treadmill should attach the clip to their clothing, so if they fall, it detaches from the safety key, prompting the belt to automatically stop. A lot of people ignore using those, because it can be a little frustrating if you accidentally have it come off and it stops your workout. We would encourage any user to really adhere to it and use it as prescribed, because it’s an important protective mechanism should you lose your balance.

Of course, treadmills aren’t dangerous only to those actively using them. If you have one in your house, your children are at risk, too. What happens sometimes is a busy parent is trying to work out at home at the same time they’re watching the kids. Kids are in the room and they don’t know not to touch the treadmill the parent is exercising on, and then they get curious and put their hand on it or want to ride it with their parent. Slightly older children or teens, meanwhile, might attempt to test out the equipment without appropriate supervision, leading to injury.

It’s best to have a dedicated room for exercise equipment — one with a door you can lock so your kids don’t have easy access. If that’s not possible, we suggest setting up a gate to block off your treadmill. And, importantly, position the equipment so you can always see your kids (and/or pets) if they’ll be in the vicinity. Some people want to be looking out the window or at a TV, but you need to be facing your children to ensure they don’t climb onto the equipment without you realizing.

If your kids do get hurt? Apply pressure to any areas that are bleeding and get to an emergency room. If it’s dire or you’re unable to transport your child yourself, make emergency calls.

Finally, keep in mind that your treadmill — like any type of expensive equipment — requires maintenance. Running belts need to be replaced, and when they start to lift, that can create a tripping hazard. Dust gets in the motor. There’s a lot of different things that could happen. Test the safety key periodically, and if it’s not working, get it fixed. Make sure you have a professional treadmill check once a year.

To learn more about the JK Fitness GYMTread home treadmill, click here.

About JK Fitness

JK Fitness is one of the Taiwan leader in fitness equipment. The company manufactures and sells its strength and cardiovascular equipment and accessories under the brand names FitLux and JKexer. Its equipment is distributed in over 60 countries. JK Fitness own factories in Taiwan and China and also provide OEM/ODM services. For more information about JK Fitness products and services, visit

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